Ready to Help?

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Interested in joining the Recharge the Battery team?

Recharge the Battery is committed to its grassroots community mission and seeking to grow our outstanding team of committed volunteers and design professional to continue to develop our vision for the Battery Street Corridor.

By volunteering for just 2-4 hours a week, you will be able to support our team in developing a better future for the Battery Street Corridor.  Volunteer tasks include:

  • Providing research and general outreach support

  • Responding to requests for information from the public

  • Providing programming input and graphical support

  • Helping to coordinate and set up for various events. 

Interested in joining the team?  Please send an outline of your personal interest, general availability, project knowledge, and related community, design, or volunteer experiences.

We look forward to hearing from you and hope you will join our community driven efforts to Recharge the Battery!


Your signature will help us Recharge the Battery

By signing this appeal you can help support the ongoing community effort to improve the Battery Street Corridor and mitigate the impacts of the current plan to fill the Battery Street Tunnel.

The Battery Street Corridor runs 7-blocks (between Western Avenue and Denny Way) and offers an opportunity to connect the Central Waterfront to Denny Park while providing new urban space for public recreation, stormwater collection, green street improvements, pedestrian priority zones, and bicycle / bus upgrades.

This appeal to the City of Seattle petitions to support proposed improvements for the current Battery Street Tunnel decommissioning plan.  These proposed improvements would have minimal impact on viaduct deconstruction, BST decommissioning, and North Surface Reconnection plans – and would better reflect our community needs and sustainable values.